How we can help

Access to Work Application help

We’re not claiming to be able to get you a Ferrari to commute to work in, we’re just hoping to signpost you to things that can help you and why.

Help with submitting your application

This is fairly new, but we’ll be running body-doubling sessions to help you get through the application. There’ll never be more than 5 people (including one of us) in the call, and we just ask that you turn up if you say you’re coming. It’s a free service for you, but it still costs our time.

Recommended Equipment

There’s a lot out there and while it’s worth remembering that Access to Work isn’t some sort of Christmas wish list, there are worthwhile products with valid reasons for them being included in your claim.

Recommended People and Companies

We have 2 sections to this site. First are the people and companies that we personally recommend, then on top of that are your reviews, feed back and suggestions. Please be sure to add your opinions to help others!

Where to go from here?

You can keep reading more below, or choose one of the following sections to get going.


About “aDHD Access to Work”
– You’ve probably got questions about us too…

And that’s ok! ADHD people are suspicious and yet quite easily led at the same time. We’ve spent a lot of our life being told to go against our instincts, and it can be a bit of a muddle, so to clear up what we can here’s some info to help.

Are you affiliated with the Access to Work Scheme?

No. Not at all. The only association we have is that we’ve been where you are.

Ok, so who the heck are you then?

Hi, I’m Sam. I’m the one behind the majority of the website, and I’m a 40 something year old cisgendered LGBT woman who was late diagnosed with ADHD in 2022. I had a horrid time with work and trying to navigate what it all meant. I was recommended to contact the Access to Work Scheme and get some help, but I ended up with what felt like the bare minimum and without any true support for my employer at the time. No one explained how I needed to go through the scheme, and so I was left to my own devices. Since then I found out some of the grants other people had been given, and because it’s not a level playing field, I felt like there needed to be one place for all of us to be able to share resources and stop people getting overwhelmed with a process that is designed to help us, but was not built for us at all. A year after my original grant, I went through a change of circumstances and was able to explain to ATW what would benefit me, and why. I wasn’t out to cheat the system, I just wanted to feel that I had a support network focussed on me and equipment to help me, and all for the first time in my professional career.

So what exactly do you do?

This site will continue to grow as I have time and remember to add to it… But the idea is to have a place to submit companies that have been good, as well as those that have been bad too. We need to lift each other up, and there’s a lot of ambulance chasing out there. I’ll be putting links to things I recommend (they’ll be affiliate links mainly, and will help fund my Lego addiction). Also, I want you to get in touch. I’ll happily be running some body doubling sessions for doing the application together over teams. My main company is Create Better Things, which you’ll probably see around the site from time to time. Plus I have Automate ADHD as well, which aims to help people with ADHD get some of the stuff that’s either easily forgotten or just plain boring automated for you.

The site looks odd sometimes…

This is a passion project, so a lot of the images are AI generated purely to save time. I’ve tried to avoid things like people with 6 fingers in the images, but it is what it is… I’m trying to use my desire to Create Better Things for myself and others just to help out, but also not completely cripple myself with extra work (again!). So just have a giggle at some of the images and if there’s a typo, forgive me!